Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To Shorten URL For Twitter

As you know Twitter only allows 140 characters per tweet. I’m sure there have been some occasions that you wanted to comment about the link you were just going to tweet but there was no room for anything but the link.

Did you know there are ways to shorten your URL link?

(URL – Uniform Resource Locator – is the address of documents/resources on the World Wide Web)

This is how to shorten URL:

*Copy the web address/link
*Go to one of the mentioned sites ( ; ; etc)
*Insert/paste the link in the box

* In click on the “Shorten” box – result a very short link for you to copy and paste to your tweet!

* In click on the “Make TinyURL!” box –

These two are more popular and widely used.

The link below gives you 35 examples of various sites to get shortened URL:

Why shortening URL is not good if you are trying to promote your business?

By the way, the picture is Twitter Icons with Attitude :) from